Monday, February 8, 2010

Transferring An Irish Pension To Australia

Alien vs. Avatar

I actually wanted me out of the avatar-bashing stay out completely and not give my two cents. OK, now I've changed my mind. Reason: I have (over time) once again seen one of Mr Cameron's true masterpieces: Alien 2nd And now I can hardly keep hinter'm mountain. Basically it boils down to this: Avatar is rated version of Alien 2nd Sincerely, Smurf blue aliens that want to really protect only their own (well, actually only the alien's food drive goes to ^ ^). Where should I start
only? When Mr Cameron's penchant for Latinas? Trudy Chacon (Michelle Rodriguez) versus Private Vasquez (Jenette Goldstein), both soldiers, Both smart, both with the same background. And both stand their ground more than some who claims that on his own.
Or his passion for modern lifting equipment? The also seem to play an important leading role ...

Or rediscovered his flaming devotion to Sigourney Weaver, who not only starred in two movies and now, the terror of fundamentalist Americans, even smoking again?
And the "evil" is virtually identical (the Alien, it never was, but rather that which lies dormant in us): the Group. Time personified by Paul Reiser to find times in the energetic teen Giovanni Ribisi. And both have their role to the cold end. For it is one of the heartless mill capital, which can take no account of individuals and wants more than anything else.

Mr Cameron had put the cost of production just in their own pockets and Alien 2 to bring out in 3D, of which the theatrical community would have had more.


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