Monday, August 23, 2010

My Teeth Need Fixing Crowded Teeth

What cosmetic companies did not blog before ...

just discovered on british beauty bloggers some statements about the beauty blogging as much as possible translated (no guarantee of completeness and accuracy! At the end, its the original English.).

  • you did not know how frustrated women would have no place where they can talk about their beauty purchases, but
  • you did not know that consumers would listen more to genuine real-life Reviews than asked Reviews in ads;
  • not you know that we influence the sales might;
  • you did not know how much we know about the topic Beauty ;
  • you did not know how important could be any individual purchasing;
  • you did not know how a cosmetics shopping could be sought, just studied, tested, discussed and evaluated ;
  • They did not know how quickly recognized their "error" and could be made public;
  • you did not know that the ordinary consumer would be able to recognize business and advertising strategies with ease, *
  • you did not know that we would be able Dupes discover and recommend them - well, what if Paradoxal is sold out? There is an identical color at 'Model's Own ";
  • you did not know that we would be able to create trends and influence.
  • you did not know that we would sometimes read the fine print ; *
  • you did not know that when we experience a bad experience with customer service or experience, or if a cosmetic purchase does not meet expectations, we could create for ourselves a place where we give our voice heard and pass our news would;
  • They did not know how many women (and men) would love makeup and skin care products to the extent that they would sure make video channels, movies and articles written who would read together millions of other women (and men) every day ;
  • you did not know that many bloggers, the MAC Foundation Colour Charts know by heart would, and could vote on the color in 20 shades;
  • They did not realize how important it might be accurate have color swatches on their websites (and they still do not know);
  • you know not that we want each ingredient in their products would know and that we would know very well that function have every single ingredient,
  • you did not know that we want to know more knowledgeable about their products and that it business would not hurt if we were better informed;
  • you did not know that it's most valuable customer feedback they could have ever dreamed of, would receive about blogs; *
  • you did not know that hard sell = would not be a sale;
  • you did not know that we are using inside resources very well with sales routines familiar and sales tactics and would that we would fall for no further on this;
  • They did not know that their target market / target customer would often not be its true market / customer ;
  • not you know that we are products of them would need to recognize it; *
  • not you know that we correct Decision-making processes use in cosmetics purchases - we believe the advertising is not just that;
  • you did not know that we just would be so gullible , and ultimately
  • you did not know that we are the all night long a Twitter conversation could lead to a nail polish color.
*- marquetry translations are from possibly something from the original text.

What inspired me to think, was the word "sell" transferred to the German market. As far as I can tell, the German beauty market, the best feature strong brand has in drugstore represent have to shoot out the monthly Limited Editions. They are cheap, rare and usually consist of good products. Coupled with the excitement that comes up in our beauty community before any publication - what does the bargain hunter?
But I am doing at the moment this way: I do not know if it is because of my frustration that every empty times in front of a LE-stand has been fed, or the feeling of satiety our market with such actions, but I like the situation simply just do not.

  • "They didn’t know how frustrated women were at not having anywhere to talk about their beauty buys;
  • They didn’t know that consumers would listen to real real-life reviews far more readily than any pretend advertorial reviews;
  • They didn’t know that we’d be able to influence sales;
  • They didn’t know just how much we know about beauty;
  • They didn’t know how important each and every purchase is;
  • They didn’t know how a beauty buy is coveted, poured over, tested, discussed and judged;
  • They didn't know how quickly their 'mistakes' would be recognized and broadcast;
  • They didn't know that actual consumers would be able to 'read' business and advertising strategies as easily as if they were Heat magazine;
  • They didn’t know we’d be able to spot and advise on dupes across the beauty spectrum – so what if Paradoxical is sold out? There’s an identical colour at Model’s Own;
  • They didn’t know we’d be able to create and influence trends;
  • They didn't know we actually read the fine print (i.e. filmed with lash inserts);
  • They didn’t know that if we see or experience bad customer service or make a purchase that doesn’t live up to expectations, that we’d create a place to pass on the news;
  • They didn’t know just how many women (and men) love make up and skincare to the point they’d create video channels, films, and written pieces that collectively millions of other women (and men) would read every day;
  • They didn’t know that many bloggers know the MAC foundation colour chart off by heart and can colour match at twenty paces;
  • They didn’t know how important it is to have accurate colour swatches on e-tail sites (and they still don’t really understand that);
  • They didn’t know we want to know all the ingredients in a product and we are very likely know the exact function of each one;
  • They didn’t know we want to be more educated about products and that they won’t lose business because we are more informed;
  • They didn’t know that they’d get the most valuable customer feedback they could ever hope to have via blogs;
  • They didn’t know that ‘hard sell’ equals ‘no sale’;
  • They didn’t know that we know the sales routines and patters from behind the scenes sources and that we just don’t fall for it anymore;
  • They didn’t know that their target market very often isn’t their true market;
  • They didn’t know that we need products to prove themselves;
  • They didn’t know that we use a proper decision making process to make beauty purchases - we just do not believe the ads;
  • They did not know that we are not gullible just that, and finally
  • They did not know that we can have a whole night's conversation on Twitter about one nail varnish color. "


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